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preventative dentistry Service


Preventative Dentistry is the best tool we have to prevent dental issues, catch problems early, and avoid major treatment whenever possible. At 512 Smiles, we recommend visiting a dentist at least twice a year for routine checkups and exams. That way, we can prevent and address any dental problems you may be having.


We often underestimate the value of an oral exam and professional teeth cleaning. During your exam, our doctors will evaluate your oral health, examining your teeth, gums, tongue, and throat. We will be certain to not only identify any immediate concerns, but share with you any potential future concerns with the hopes to prevent issues whenever possible. We utilize our intra-oral cameras so that you can see what we see! When taking x-rays, we determine the frequency based on your age, number of restorations, and history of dental treatment. X-rays allow us to detect any underlying issues that you may have. Your professional dental cleaning will start with a periodontal health evaluation by your hygienist, who will then scale your gums, clean your teeth using professional equipment, and floss. As dedicated as you might be to your oral hygiene at home, there are simply certain areas that can be very difficult to keep healthy without regular maintenance. For optimal oral health, we recommend seeing 512 Smiles for a professional dental cleaning twice a year.


If you are a candidate and/or would benefit from dental sealants, our team will review your options. Dental sealants can help to protect groovy areas of your teeth that are prone to food impaction. This liquid-based resin is placed on and around the grooves of your tooth after a dental cleaning. Dental sealants help protect your smile, so if you’re interested, ask our doctors if dental sealants are an option for you.


Majority of people will go through one of the three stages of gum disease at least once in their lifetime. Gum disease, if left untreated, can develop into periodontal disease. Common signs of gum disease include bleeding gums (with or without flossing), tenderness to brushing and/or flossing, redness and inflammation. If treated early, the majority of gum disease can be reversed and you can stay healthy for years to come. If you think you may have gum disease, contact 512 Smiles to schedule your exam. Don’t wait until it’s too late!


When there is an excessive amount of plaque, gum disease can progress and harm not only your gums, but the bone in your jaw that supports your teeth. Periodontal disease can be identified through an examination and x-rays. This treatment may require multiple visits, depending on the severity of the plaque. So, if you are suffering from severe plaque build up you will likely need a professional scaling and root planing (also known as a “deep cleaning”) to stop the gum disease from progressing. If you would like to know more about your personal bone and gum health, schedule a consultation with our doctors at 512 Smiles.


At 512 Smiles, we truly care about our patients. The goal of our team is to help you prevent future dental issues by proactively discussing remedies before treatment is necessary, and to prepare you for any predictable treatment needs. The only way we can do this is through preventative dentistry. Our goals: 

  • Save You Both Time and Money – It only takes about 10 minutes to brush and floss your teeth each day. Brushing and flossing your teeth combined with attending your annual cleanings could save you thousands of dollars in extensive dental treatment! It’s definitely worth it.
  • Reduce Other Health Issues – The state of your oral health often reflects your overall health. Many health problems such as heart attack, stroke, and cancer are linked to periodontal disease and tooth decay. Being proactive with your preventive dentistry will help reduce the risk of developing other health problems.
  • Give You A Brighter & More Confident Smile – You can’t have a beautiful smile if you don’t take good care of it! If you neglect your teeth, you’ll eventually feel self-conscious about your smile. Practicing good oral health is key component to having a beautiful and healthy smile


The American Dental Association recommends visiting your dentist every six months to help prevent gum disease and tooth decay. That’s right! Visiting 512 Smiles on a regular basis will keep your teeth in tip-top shape!

The American Dental Association recommends that children visit the dentist every six months after they turn one year old or after their first tooth erupts. If you’re still unsure about whether or not your child needs to visit a dentist, call our office and we will be happy to guide you!

It’s recommended that everyone brushes their teeth with proper technique at least twice a day. Flossing is also a key part to proper oral hygiene. It’s recommended that you floss at least once a day to remove any built up food particles. If you’re able to, we recommend brushing after each meal. Practicing good oral hygiene habits is essential to good oral health.

Most insurance plans cover most of, if not all, of your dental cleanings, exams, and one set of x-rays at least once a year. If you’re not sure on your dental coverage, call our office and we’d be happy to help.

Absolutely! We understand that not everyone has dental insurance, but still needs dental care. Please call our office to learn more about your options.


Don’t wait! Get help immediately. Like we’ve said, the sooner you see a professional the better. If you’ve been in an accident and there’s a chance that your jaw is broken, go directly to the hospital. Non-life-threatening dental emergencies can be handled by your dentist. If you’re bleeding, do not take Aspirin. It is a blood thinner and it will cause you to bleed even more. Take Tylenol or Advil for pain relief. Always contact 4th Street Family Dentistry for emergency dental care services in St. Petersburg, FL.


Seeking the help of a professional will decrease the likelihood of additional problems arising. Therefore, seeing an emergency dentist will prevent you from having to spend more money on costly dental treatment. Avoiding treatment will only cause more damage in the long run. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, visit 4th Street Family Dentistry ASAP and our team will give you the dental care you need to feel like yourself again!
A tooth extraction is not painful, but it is normal to feel some discomfort after the treatment. At 4th Street Family Dentistry, your comfort is one of our top priorities. We understand that having a tooth pulled can make you feel uneasy, which is why we offer oral sedation to our patients. Once your treatment is completed, follow the post-op instructions recommended by your St. Pete dentist below. If you have any questions about your recovery, contact our office today.

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